The Upper Valley Career Network is a consortium of leading businesses who understand that in order to recruit top talent to our organizations we need to support the talented partners and spouses of the employees we hire. In support of this goal, the Upper Valley Career Network offers high touch networking with recruiters who represent our member businesses. Each organization will prepare their Career Partners for the job search and networking process through VISA counseling, resume writing and interview coaching. The UVC is designed to offer you the opportunity to connect with area recruiters and network to find a career in the Upper Valley. We hope you love it here as much as we do!
Business Partners
>> Click logo for link to Career Website
The career tool links are to popular sites that offer information on many areas that may be helpful in your upcoming search. Resumes writing, cover letter writing, tips on behavioral interviewing and other useful information for work and life.
SkillScan is instrumental in career counseling to help clients develop skill-based resumes and cover letters and prepare for interviews. SkillScan offers fee based tools to develop resumes, cover letters and assess your skills.
Quint Careers
Quint Careers offers free and some fee based essential job interviewing tools and resources for job seekers. Free resume templates.
Career Realism
Dedicated to providing readers with the very latest career tools, information, and resources. This site was founded by a career coach and workplace expert.
About Careers
This site links to sample behavioral interview questions, how to interview and examples of job resumes.
How to Set-up your LinkedIn Profile
This pdf will provide you loads of wonderful tips, tricks, and hacks to setup and improve your LinkedIn profile top help you stand apart from the crowd.
Career Contessa
Honest Conversations about work and life.
Disclaimer: The Upper Valley Dual Career Network (the ”Network”) maintains this webpage as a service to be accessed exclusively by its registered business partners (the “Users”). Users are solely responsible for obtaining and evaluating information concerning area resources, positions, and employers. The Network does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided on this website. This website also contains links that are not under the control of the Network; therefore, we assume no responsibility for the contents of any linked site. The Network also assumes no liability for acts or omissions by third parties or for material supplied by them.